That is a good point. And in canon, it was a useful thing to do since it was only the Order & Co. who dared say the name, allowing for decent signal to noise.
I’d thought maybe in HP:MoR the order might be showing more caution, but in Multiple Hypothesis Testing Dumbledore uses the word—and with Moody there. I’d expect the HP:MoR versions of Dumbledore and Moody to to avoid it if they thought there was serious risk.
That said, the specific mention of not screening for listeners does still jump out at me like a Hint.
I’ve found it useful to add time-estimates to my to-do list, and I stop adding things once I have eight hours of work down for the day. For me, the “I’ve acheived everything I set out to today” feeling comes partially from getting lots done and partially from setting realistic expectations.