The effective altruism movement and the 80000 hours project in particular seem to be stellar implementations of this line of thinking.
Also seconding the doubts about the refrain from saving puppies—at the very least, extending compassion to other clusters in mindspace not too far from our own seems necessary from a consistent standpoint. It may not be the -most- cost-effective, but no reason to just call it a personal interest.
>A refused claim is (legally) an event that was never covered by the insurance, and is therefore irrelevant if the question is “take policy A or not at all”.
This implicitly assumes all legal cases are clear-cut and independent of perspective or legally-related capabilities; and also perfect knowledge of the fine print (which is desirable but not always realistic).
Usually the insurance company has more relevant experience, better specialized lawyers and generally more resources to spend fighting claims than the consumer. So they can often successfully claim that your particular circumstances are not covered after the fact, even when you believe they were.