Thanks for writing this up. As someone who was not aware of the eye thing I think it’s a good illustration of the level that the Zizians are on, i.e. misunderstanding key important facts about the neurology that is central to their worldview.
My model of double-hemisphere stuff, DID, tulpas, and the like is somewhat null-hypothesis-ish. The strongest version is something like this:
At the upper levels of predictive coding, the brain keeps track of really abstract things about yourself. Think “ego” “self-conception” or “narrative about yourself”. This is normally a model of your own personality traits, which may be more or less accurate. But there’s no particular reason why you couldn’t build a strong self-narrative of having two personalities, a sub-personality, or more. If you model yourself as having two personalities who can’t access each other’s memories, then maybe you actually just won’t perform the query-key lookups to access the memories.
Like I said, this doesn’t rule out a large amount of probability mass, but it does explain some things, fit in with my other views, and hopefully if someone has had/been close to experiences kinda like DID or zizianism or tulpas, it provides a less horrifying way of thinking about them. Some of the reports in this area are a bit infohazardous, and I think this null model at least partially defuses those infohazard.
Furthermore: normalizing your data to variance=1 will change your PCA line (if the X and Y variances are different) because the relative importance of X and Y distances will change!