I considered “opposing” AI on similar grounds, but I don’t think it’s a helpful and fruitful approach. Instead, consider and advocate for social and economic alternatives viable in a democracy. My current best ideas are either a new frontier era (exploring space, art, science as focal points of human attention) or fully automated luxury communism.
Isaac Liu
Karma: 4
I have thought this way for a long time and glad someone was able to express my position and predictions more clearly than I ever could.
This said, I think the new solution (rooted in history) is the establishment of new frontiers. Who will care about relative status if they get to be the first human to set foot on some distant planet, or guide AI to some novel scientific or artistic discovery? Look to the human endeavors where success is unbounded and preferences are required to determine what is worthwhile.
Yes, AI will probably create some permanent autocracies. But I think democratic order and responsiveness to societal preferences can survive where it already exists, if a significantly large selectorate of representatives or citizens creates and updates the values for alignment.
Fighting AI development is not only swimming against the tide of capitalist competition between companies, but also competition between democratic and autocratic nations. Difficult, if not impossible.