...you have to make a conscious effort to keep your ideas about what you want from being contaminated by what seems possible.This is isomorphic to the principle that you should prevent your beliefs about how things are from being contaminated by how you wish they were. Most people let them mix pretty promiscuously. The continuing popularity of religion is the most visible index of that.
-- pg
What expert timing, Luke! Just two days ago, I came across the fascinating practice of clicker training for horses—http://www.theclickercenter.com, while reading Kathy Sierra’s old blog—http://headrush.typepad.com/creating_passionate_users/2006/03/clicker_trained.html.
My only problem is that I need to train my own behaviour rather than someone else’s. I’m going to try to use these techniques on myself, although I’m not sure if that’s supposed to work.