This is sort of what I am doing right now, I’m working with two people who are focusing on the programming side of a game while I’m essentially designing it, only it’s an unrealistically big project and the other two people don’t seem to grasp the idea that if you want to make something it won’t magically make itself and you actually have to push yourself to work on it.
I realize that I could make a dumb two-week iPhone game if I wanted, only this doesn’t really appeal to me at all, to the point where I don’t think I could find the motivation to do it. I think what I will do is I will probably wait for the current big project to eventually fall apart, work on a medium sized one until it falls apart, at which point my brain will realize that I actually need to start small.
I know, I know, I know. I know all of this rationally. I just can’t make my brain realize this. All the small ideas I come up with fail to motivate me even a little bit. My current plan is to wait for my current unrealistically big project to inevitably fall apart and then hopefully my brain will finally get the message.