Does it increase readership?
I don’t know, but I’d expect it to; I could possibly elaborate. I’d also expect it to increase reader enjoyment and leave a stronger impression afterward.
Is it some sort of SEO trick? Because it doesn’t sound like a better name otherwise.
Fic titles that word-substitute the original title signal either parody or amateurism to me. I notice Iceman isn’t prefacing it with “My Little Pony :”, though, so that’s something (and possibly a leg up on my suggestion).
“Friendship is Optimal” makes the Less Wronger in me ask “Optimal for what?”. It sounds like moral realism.
I don’t get why.
It seems like a typical person forced to write the utility function that would shape the rest of history would take things a little (edit: I did say a little) more seriously. I’m only speaking from the summary; I don’t know any later context.
Thanks for the feedback.
Not anymore.