I could really benefit from a better note taking system such as the one you mention in item 2. Could you give me some pointers for improving note taking? Relatedly, what system/app do you use for the note taking?
Welcome to LessWrong (10th Thread, January 2017) (Thread A)
Just donated $1100
This is fantastic Malcolm, thank you!
Good point, thank you.
I recently got into practicing meditation, and got a lot out of the old LW posts about it. I was wondering if there is any interest to have a meditation retreat for rationalists?
Donated $1000
Alternative title: How To Live For Very Very Long And Yet Not Live At All.
Upvoted for phaticness
I’m signed up for the programming one. This’ll be my first time at CFAR. pretty excited!
I am not currently married.
I’m trying to decide whether to marry someone, but I’m having a lot of trouble deciding. Anyone have any advice?
Does anyone know of a way to convert .anki files to .apkg files?
I recently started using anki, but most of the decks I downloaded are .anki, and can’t be opened by ankidroid...
It would be completely random, with all events being equally likely at every point in time. It would have no history, since the past has no effect on the present or future
Causality is a useful tool in the map, to describe the territory. The Territory just is. It doesn’t have causality, laws of physics or anything else. Those are just the best tools we have to form accurate maps of it.
Is there some reason this article hasn’t been promoted to the frontpage?
But, from the article:
you can nonetheless take many literary professors and separately show them new pieces of writing by unknown authors and they’ll all independently arrive at the same answer, in which case they’re clearly detecting some sensory-visible feature of the writing.
Seems like what I was saying...
I don’t understand the part about post-utopianism being meaningless. If people agree on what the term means, and they can read a book and detect (or not) colonial alienation, and thus have a test for post-utopianism, and different people will reach the same conclusions about any given book, then how exactly is the term meaningless?
and hence normal people’s acceptance that nerd-contradictory things can be normal-”true” at the same time.
Namespaced that for you.
Hello and welcome! I love your enthusiasm for learning!
Yes, feel free to ask things in the discussion threads.