For what it’s worth: I tried asking ChatGTP:
Quiz time!
In which famous game might you happen on the line, “Hello, my name is Steve”?
And it identified it right away as Minecraft and (when I asked) told me that what followed was a tutorial.
It could also tell me in which game I might meet Leilan. (I expected a cursed answer, but no.)
I really don’t want to ask it about the “f***ing idiot” quote though… :-)
(Oh yeah, and it isn’t really helpful on the ”?????-?????-” mystery either.)
The mystery these tokens represent tickles me just as much as the next person… I believe one of the last ones to be found out is the ”?????-?????-” token.
With the right pop-quiz warmup, ChatGPT has some suggestions. Most of which are probably useless.
The one which sounds most plausible to me:
That one actually sounds like a likely source; it was kind of what I had in mind when I asked, although I thought there might be some specific story/character to be found.
It certainly fits with the response you observed...!
Other than that, the suggestions are spread all over the world of fiction:
Yup, most of the time it’s just <insert famous fiction quote>, at least in that particular chat context.