Virtually no-one differentiates between a 4 and a 5 on these kind of surveys. Either they are the kind of person who “always” puts 5, or they “never” do.
With Rat. Adjacent or other overthibkers, you can give more specific anchors (eg 5 = this was the best pairing). Or you can have specific unsealed questions (ie:
I would go to another room to avoid this person at a party
I do not want to see this person again
If someone else did the work to plan it, I would show up and spend time with this person again
I will schedule time to see this person again.
The clean lines make me think you didn’t use hypergeometric calculations. If I have 2 extrovert friends, on any given day 0 (25%), 1(50%), or 2(25%) of them will want to hang out. If I want to hang out on day N, there is a 25% chance I fail to.