I’m currently in Cambridge, so I’d like to try attending this on Saturday if things work out
Karma: 17
This is similar to the notion of polymath projects (apparently quite successful): http://polymathprojects.org/general-polymath-rules/
- 23 Sep 2010 6:09 UTC; 0 points) 's comment on Software tools for community truth-seeking by (
I think the distinction between a “remembering self” and an “experiencing self” might be relevant here: http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/eng/daniel_kahneman_the_riddle_of_experience_vs_memory.html
I had a similar thought on the distinction between “shiny/fun” versus “hard”, but I still support the basic premise of the article. As it stands, I find LW valuable in a dual role… i.e. both for developing the right attitude towards self help and also as a “fun/shiny” thing. At the same time, I suppose there is a lot of scope for improvement with its role pertaining to the self help goals.
Are you folks meeting tomorrow again?