It’s not a matter of disputing, it’s a matter of not recognizing and taking it into account.
Of course, saying the “environment is the ultimate cause” is like saying “the big bang is the ultimate cause”, true but not helpful.
You don’t see how a logical thought process that would advocate genocide (removing “bad genes” you believe are responsible for undesirable social characteristics or behavior) over changing short and long term environmental pressures on groups pf people is a bad idea?
Care to define what you mean by “racist thinking”, also preferably with an explanation of why your particular definition is a bad thing?
To quote myself from years ago...
Racism: A specific form of the causation-correlation logical fallacy, where a person looks at different tendencies that happen to align among people of different ethnicities and assumes incorrectly that the ethnicity or genetic aspects of the ethnicity are the CAUSE of those differences. The person then usually acts, speaks, or governs in a damaging and incorrect way based on that mistaken assumption.
Examples: 1. I waved hello to a sleeping Asian person once, and he did not respond. This taught me that Asian people are rude, and I have never said hello to one since!
...a single line that expresses itself in a broad wide open polydimensional space of ideas and humor. In the second paper we listed 40 examples of different “blooms” from this single seed. There are countless more.
I don’t think this is unprecedented at all. Take the Theory of Evolution. It’s amazing to me (and of course what we’re discussing is even just a small slice of its results). The whole of Evolution is also a single line (variation and selection) that expresses itself in thousands and even millions of ways.
I’ll continue thinking about what you’ve said.