You are suffused with a return-to-womb mentality—desperately destined for the material tomb. Your philosophy is unsupported. Why do AI researchers think they are philosophers when its very clear they are deeply uninvested in the human condition? there should be another term, ‘conjurers of the immaterial snake oil’, to describe the actions you take when you riff on Dyson Sphere narratives to legitimize your paltry and thoroughly uninteresting research
Karma: −6
- Dylan 24 Sep 2024 12:27 UTC−3 points0in reply to: Mateusz Bagiński’s comment on: Mateusz Bagiński’s Shortform
“By now, I can take one glance at a bakery or cafe, in person or online, and be confident whether or not their baked goods will be to my taste before trying them.” oh my god I am the same way! everyone says I am really shallow and judgemental about that but, like, I totally agree with your idea that people can just LOOK at things and know everything about their inner qualities!