Do you think it was unhelpful because you already had a high level of knowledge on the topics they were teaching and thus didn’t have much to learn or because the actual techniques were not effective?
I don’t believe I had a high level of knowledge on the specific topics they were teaching (behavior change, and the like). I did study some cognitive science in my undergraduate years, and I take issue with the ‘science’.
Do you think your experience was typical?
I believe that the majority of people don’t get much, if anything, from CFAR’s rationality lessons. However, after the lesson, people may be slightly more motivated to accomplish whatever they want to, in the short term just because they’ve paid money towards a course to increase their motivation.
How useful do you think it would be to an average person?
There was one average person at one of the workshops I attended. e.g. never read LessWrong/other rationality material. He fell asleep a few hours into the lesson, I don’t think he gained much from attending. I’m hesitant to extrapolate, because I’m not exactly sure what an average person entails.
An average rationalist?
I haven’t met many rationalists, but would believe they wouldn’t benefit much/at all.
Hey Dan, thanks for responding. I wanted to ask a few questions:
You noted the non-response rate for the 20 randomly selected alumni. What about the non-response rate for the feedback survey?
“0 to 10, are you glad you came?” This is a biased question, because you frame that the person is glad. A similar negative question may say “0 to 10, are you dissatisfied that you came?” Would it be possible to anonymize and post the survey questions and data?
It’s great that you’re following up with people long after the workshops end. Why not survey all alumni? You have their emails.
I’ve read most of the blog posts about CFAR workshops that you linked to—they were one of my main motivations for attending a workshop. I notice that all reviews are from people who have already participated in LessWrong and related communities. (all refer to some prior CFAR, EA and rationality related topics before they attended camp). Also, it seems like in person conversations are majorly subjected to the availability bias, as the people who attended workshops || know people who work at MIRI/CFAR || are involved in LW meetups in Berkeley and surrounding areas would contribute to the positivity of these conversations.. Also, the evaporative cooling effect may also play a role, in that people who weren’t satisfied with the workshop would leave the group. Are there reviews from people who are not already familiar with LW/CFAR staff?
Also, I agree with MTGandP. It would be nice if CFAR could write a blog post or paper on how effective their teachings are, compared to a control group. Perhaps two one-day events, with subjects randomized across both days, should work well as a starting point.