I’m not trying to speak for Robin; the following are my views. One of my deepest fears—perhaps my only phobia—is fear of government. And any government with absolute power terrifies me absolutely. However the singleton is controlled, it’s an absolute power. If there’s a single entity in charge, it is subject to Lord Acton’s dictum. If control is vested in a group, then struggles for control of that become paramount. Even the suggestion that it might be controlled democratically doesn’t help me to rest easy. Democracies can be rushed off a cliff, too. And someone has to set up the initial constitution; why would we trust them to be as good as George Washington and turn down the opportunity to be king?
I also understand your admonition to prepare a line of retreat. But I don’t see a path to learn to stop worrying and love the Singleton. If anyone has suggestions, I’ll listen to them.
In the meantime, I prefer outcomes with contending powers and lots of incidental casualties over any case I can think of with a singleton in charge of the root account and sufficient security to keep out the hackers. At least in the former case there’s a chance that there will be periods with polycentric control. In the latter case, eventually there will be a tyrant who manages to wrest control, and with complete control over physical space, AGI, and presumably nanotech, there’s little hope for a future revival of freedom.
I see the valuable part of this question not as what you’d do with unlimited magical power, but as more akin to the earlier question asked by Eliezer: what would you do with $10 trillion? That leaves you making trade-offs, using current technology, and still deciding between what would make you personally happy, and what kind of world you want to live in.
Once you’ve figured out a little about what trade-offs between personal happiness and changing the world you’d make with (practically) unlimited (but non-magical) resources, you can reflect that back down to how you spend your minutes and your days. You don’t make the same trade-offs on a regular salary, but you can start thinking about how much of what you’re doing is to make the world a better place, and how much is to make your self or your family happier or more comfortable.
I don’t know how Eli expects to get an FAI to take our individual trade-offs among our goals into account, but since my goals for the wider world involve more freedom and less coercion, I can think about how I spend my time and see if I’m applying the excess over keeping my life in balance to pushing the world in the right direction.
Surely you’ve thought about what the right direction looks like?