I adore adore Hermiones sheer strenght of will here. No decision under pressure, and trusting assessments she made before the Def. Prof. became all persuasive. As a child who mores so than any other age groups is expected to respond to authority immediately and preferably without question this is impressive.
Celine Reutig
Is this a reverse Buddah ploy? Show him all the evils in the world so that he might become a great warrior? Also the thing about justifying peoples behaviours through past suffering (Bellatrix is not evil, just a tortured soul), can work for anyone, thus none is evil. Maybe it is indeed youth in Harry that he wishes to make that distinction, but at some point you have to judge someone by his actions and not what lead them to it. In my head there is no evil only hurt people spread around, but stopping that hurt is still a worth while goal. And it is incredibly harsh, but the truth is that Bella could have not hurt people, that was a choice she made. She valued her suffering above theirs. She became the abuser in that moment. I am not saying torture her to death. But maybe sort your priorities. This is the long form of: shakes Harry until reason falls out again.
Here Harry‘s lack of abuse does not favour his actions, or he would (maybe only instinctively , but still) realise, the common tactics of abusive manipulators. Abuse Reward Abuse Reward. This can create strong emotional dependance quickly. If somone hurts you but claims it is for your own good, it most certainly never is (except maybe in a medical setting). Also arguing over hypothetical losses, always assumes future battles, whereas in reality loosing can become a habbit that has to be broken (not in the Victorian sense, but in the—you are worth your own fight against opposition—sense). So this was a really emotional chapter for me, which I did not expect from a Harry is a know it all fanfic. Is this counterproductive? Porbably? What’s your metric?
Spoilers Chapter 90 (in case this gets posted some where else as people have remarked)
Ok, from this moment onwards we have evil!Harry. He just denied everyone beside a select few personhood. That is a tricky mindset to recover from. Also what about a ˋDoctor-Who´-esce plot where Harry travels back in time an leaves something that looks like Herminoe to die on the floor and that also explains the Headmasters delay? Probably wrong genre. But Mary Sue storries need a happy end and i am spoiled that way.