It takes $10,000,000 for the US government to save an Amerian life.
I’m pretty sure the right number is much, much lower. For example:
Sommers 2016 found that Medicaid expansion saved a life for ~$600k
Barro 2022 found that COVID vaccines saved a life for $55k
The EPA estimates that the Clean Air Act saved a life for $280k
I take it your $10m number is from Value of a Statistical Life. But VSL measures typical willingness to pay to avert risk to one’s own life. The best-targeted interventions will be much cheaper.
I’m pretty sure the right number is much, much lower. For example:
Sommers 2016 found that Medicaid expansion saved a life for ~$600k
Barro 2022 found that COVID vaccines saved a life for $55k
The EPA estimates that the Clean Air Act saved a life for $280k
I take it your $10m number is from Value of a Statistical Life. But VSL measures typical willingness to pay to avert risk to one’s own life. The best-targeted interventions will be much cheaper.