Firstly, I follow your CoViD posts with great interest, and would like to say thank you very much for the work you put into this project.
I wanted to direct you to the Colorado state CoViD data portal, which I only recently discovered. I saw that you’ve included Washington state data and thought it might help to have an easy visual reference to compare states/regions. It contains a fair amount of data the state collects on various aspects of the pandemic; healthcare impact, testing, cases, etc. Of note is the variant surveillance data; a week-by-week graphic for relative proportions of variants is available, and is very illustrative particularly of the spread of Omicron. The comparison to Delta is fairly stark; Omicron has approached fixation more than twice as fast as Delta in the state. The sequencing sampling methodology could lend itself to imprecision (only a small proportion of positives are sequenced), and much of the data provided upfront is aggregated over the entire course of the pandemic for some reason, but there may be something of value either on this page or the various resources provided therein:
Once again, thank you for these posts, and I hope this will be of some use.
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