Excuse me if I’m misunderstanding your ideas here, but isn’t this, almost bullet for bullet, exactly what Khan academy is doing?
Biophysics grad student dropout/work at startup now; I personally was sort of sick of mathematical modelling, so I decided not to go the machine learning route. But as I was based in Boston, there were machine learning jobs everywhere. I enjoyed working through SICP, and its functional style been pretty useful in quickly understanding new concepts (Javascript callbacks and promises, for example) in programming.
I got my programming start in a website for a tournament that I ran—it taught me my way around a large framework (Django) and as django was what people call a ‘highly opinionated and bloated’ framework, it taught me one version of how experts think a large-scale project ‘should’ be organized.
I did this sort of tracking for several months. My generalizable experiences are:
Everyone has their own situation. Following the guide of some other person exactly is bound to fail. Instead, you should start simple, and let your system evolve as you decide that you need to track different things.
That being said, it seems like some things tend to turn up repeatedly as “good things to keep track of”, like “today I was happy for X”, or “how much sleep did I get last night?”
Since no two people really have the same routine, instead of using specialized software, the flexibility of a raw text file with a template probably works best.
I agree. I would rather not see the discussion section turned into reddit.com/r/hpmor. There is reddit.com/r/hpmor for that.
Your comments seem like they answer a slightly different question: “What would it feel for a person who has free will to not have free will?”. The right question is, “What would it feel for a person who doesn’t have free will to not have free will?”. (brushing all concerns about what ‘free will’ is under the carpet for now)
“But as the Arnolds’ profile grows, of course, not everyone is a fan of this science of giving, especially since it comes at a cost to the many individuals and local organizations who need direct help now and could benefit from their billions. The answer to the most asked question may not be known for years: Will their plan work?”″
I chuckled at this. All of a sudden, people are asking “will it work?”, but they never asked the same questions of the charities they regularly donate to.
I stopped reading the article after I got to “Templeton Foundation”. Don’t think this is quite what you’re thinking it is.
...I’m reading every “pomo-” word in this comment section as “porno-” now. Thanks a lot.
Set double layers of alarms. I’ve turned off the first one and slept another two hours, way too many times!
(unrelated) - I’m confused. Is there a reason why random letters are bolded?
Signalling has an academic definition in economics, for sure. It’s used both in an intentional sense (“workers signal their conscientiousness to employers by making their way through a 4-year college degree”) and an unintentional sense (“being a high school dropout signals to the employer that a worker is in the bottom 5th percentile”)
However, I do think LW uses it in a intellectual hipster sense as well - “Do you really think that, or are you just signalling?”. The difference seems to me that instead of jockeying for economic advantage, we are accusing someone of jockeying for social status. Of course, such social jockeying is widespread, simply by dint of human nature. But I suppose we could replace this use of the word with “posturing” or something of the sort.
Excellent post by Yvain… your excerpt really doesn’t do it justice.
No… because the time it takes the sun’s increased brilliance to reach the moon and reflect to the Earth is the same as the time it takes for the Earth to be wiped out by the energy wave.
You have, in a nutshell, just explained why lobbyists exist.
Alice, believing that the world will end, will spend all her money by her predicted end-of-the-world date. She will then be unable to pay back. Bob, knowing this, would never lend her the money.
It’s posts like this that remind me that the sequences are vast, excellent, and most importantly of all, not particularly organized at the moment.
Every so often, Lukeprog or others will make a small effort towards collating the sequences, but the resulting product disappears into the ether of Discussion archives.
Talk is cheap, but somebody really needs to do something about the sequences to make them more accessible and visible to a newcomer. The LW wiki index of the sequence is incomplete, and seems like it hasn’t been changed since ‘Tetronian’ created it six months ago.
You know… purposely violating Godwin’s Law seems to have become an applause light around here, as if we want to demonstrate how super rational we are that we don’t succumb to obvious fallacies like Nazi analogies.
Is there any editing being done? In my opinion, a lot of essay ‘refactoring’ could be of use here for Eliezer’s writing.
‴I posit that people want to find others like them (in a continuum with finding a community of people like them, some place where they can belong), and it stings to realize that even people who hold many similar opinions still aren’t carbon copies of you, that their cognitive engine doesn’t work exactly the same way as yours, and that you’ll have to either change yourself, or change others (both of which can be hard, unpleasant work), if you want there to be less friction between you (unless you agree to disagree, of course).‴
Well said.