Kawoomba’s post spells out “weathehollowmen”, (“we the hollow men” it seems) and gwern’s spells out “lipsthatwouldkissformprayerstobrokenchips” (I suppose that means “lips that would kiss form prayers to broken chips”). I have no idea why though… Probably a quote from something.
It might be fair to point at that ygert did not in fact ask a question (perhaps ygert does not care for looking up references despite caring to ‘uncode’ hidden messages) and brilee might have thought that the bolding was a technical issue and didn’t think to look for a message which would be google-able..
By the way, shortly after posting my comment, I did in fact google it. I didn’t go back and comment again or edit my comment though, assuming that others who want to find out could google it themselves (and I was being lazy). Perhaps that was a mistake.
(unrelated) - I’m confused. Is there a reason why random letters are bolded?
Kawoomba’s post spells out “weathehollowmen”, (“we the hollow men” it seems) and gwern’s spells out “lipsthatwouldkissformprayerstobrokenchips” (I suppose that means “lips that would kiss form prayers to broken chips”). I have no idea why though… Probably a quote from something.
Doesn’t everybody know how to use Google yet? :-)
Which leads to a new trilemma on the existence of ignorance:
if a LWer hath not access to Google (the Internet), then from whence is he posting his question?
if a LWer hath access to Google and a desire to know, then for why his question?
if a LWer hath access to Google and desireth to know an answer and obtains it, then how did he post his question and not an answer?
QED, God is not omnipotent. Or something.
It might be fair to point at that ygert did not in fact ask a question (perhaps ygert does not care for looking up references despite caring to ‘uncode’ hidden messages) and brilee might have thought that the bolding was a technical issue and didn’t think to look for a message which would be google-able..
By the way, shortly after posting my comment, I did in fact google it. I didn’t go back and comment again or edit my comment though, assuming that others who want to find out could google it themselves (and I was being lazy). Perhaps that was a mistake.