Nitpick—antimatter will also produce a pure light pulse, just the wavelengths are much shorter than the visible spectrum.
After 5 minutes of thinking about it, the only thing I could come up with concerns:
Bellatrix and Sirius are stars, and also Death Eaters. Voldemort has already torn apart Bellatrix to use the Dark Mark, and Harry can tear apart Sirius with the Partial Transfiguration trick people are talking about. How do we know Sirius is present? Because there is a Death Eater named “Mr Grim” who is stated to have known the Potters.
Hang on, isn’t Sirius in Azkaban?
“I’m not serious, I’m not serious, I’m not serious...”
The “he” refers to both Tom Riddles, as they are branches of the same person.
Troubles with this suggestion:
The “HE IS THE END OF THE WORLD” part remains unresolved.
Narratively unsatisfying.
He could also transfigure a few micrometres of wood from the end of the wand itself.
You can’t Apparate within the Hogwarts wards.
He looks like that in canon, for which I think the underlying meaning was from the idiom “cutting off ones’ nose to spite ones’ face”. Not sure if it applies to HPMOR.
He has to breathe.
If the mirror universe was antimatter, Harry would be annihilated instantly because his feet are touching the floor, even if the Cloak could shield everything else.
CEV is meant to be reflectively consistent.
Wait a minute, aren’t all human CEVs supposed to converge to roughly the same thing? (tell me if I’ve catastrophically misunderstood or misremembered the concept, it’s been a while since I read the sequences)
I show not your face but your coherent extrapolated volition
I got shivers when I read that and realized what the Mirror was. Another thing that ought to have been obvious, in hindsight.
Harry would be very bad at wandless magic the first time trying, so he might not even be able to do anything macroscopic. He might be able to conjure up the tiny amount of antimatter required though.
I haven’t re-read the fic in a while so this might be a stupid question, but does QQ know about Partial Transfiguration? I can’t recall him being present/conscious at any point Harry uses it. That would be a power the Dark Lord knows not, right?
If Harry judged that whatever Quirrel was planning was X-risk level dangerous, he could try wandlessly Transfiguring a few micrograms of antimatter, destroying both of them (along with a large chunk of Scotland) in the process.
Because the sovereign and independent Eastern European nations wanted to become part of NATO, and NATO tanks didn’t need to force itself on a single nation, it was invited( a single country, nor change the borders, unlike Russia’s military occupation of portions of Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine.
I’m not sure your average Serb would agree …
Because when Greece has been recently openly allying itself with Russia, I don’t see NATO troops from Italy or Albania or Bulgaria attempting to break apart portions of Greece.
No, they just get the Troika to do it by proxy.
I’ll restate what I said before—I’m not defending Putin’s regime as such. It’s tyrannical and corrupt and no sane person would die defending that hill. Just that Russia’s actions are perfectly understandable as defensive and reactive in nature. Yes, the Eastern Euro countries (mostly) joined NATO of their own free will (more accurately, they had little alternative either way with Russia being dead in the water through the 90s). What of it? The fact remains there’s an explicitly anti-Russian coalition on Russia’s doorstep, and allied groups like the EU pushing into historically-Russian territories. They’re understandably afraid of the Germans pushing east of the Vistula—after all, it didn’t end well the last two times.
“Rebuilding the Soviet Empire” is exactly the kind of propagandistic slogan that contributes to crises in the first place—viewing your enemy as some kind of inscrutable, uncompromisingly aggressive monster rather than a country concerned for its survival and who possesses few natural defenses.
And NATO pushing up to the borders of Russia isn’t considered an aggressive move on the part of the USA, because … ?
I’m not trying to defend his annexation of the Crimea but “trying to rebuild the Soviet Empire” isn’t what I think his motivations are when I can look at a map like this, and recall the Georgian conflict was itself sparked in part by aspirations of that country to join NATO. Americans would feel threatened if say, Mexico joined the Warsaw Pact, no?
My guess is that open offices make the company seem more cool/laid-back and less stodgy than cubicle farms. This might help to attract employees, even though it actually makes them less happy in the long-run.
This is it, basically. You see it a lot in companies based on churning through employees rather than building up a stable longterm workforce. The open-plan spaces look hip and make newcomers feel like they’re working in a Cool Modern Company, so they’re more willing to endure the daily annoyances like half a dozen distracting conversations going on at once across the room. It doesn’t matter that they eventually wear down under the realization that they are working in a Panopticon prison yard. In fact it’s probably considered a feature instead of a bug—I can’t think of a better way to make employees feel small and pressured to perform.
Cubicle farms might seem like the prime example of drudgery, but at least you get your own little space and have an unexposed back.
I could never work in an open-plan office. The entire idea is a nakedly aggressive intrusion into employees’ personal space on the part of management.
But I have no good explanation for the overfunding of HIV which is a completely preventable disease on the personal level by using a condom and refraining from using IV drugs.
one would think so but certain demographics can’t seem to handle this
I made a countdown timer.