“The impression I think you give is one of writing all this great LW material, but then being “too busy” with your high-status SI work to read people’s comments on it. Surely you can see how that comes across.”
LOL. If one does form that impression from Luke’s posts I would suggest that you:
1.) Don’t be so sensitive and get a life beyond obssessing over blog comments. 2.) Realize that people who actually get things done usually don’t make responding to blog posts a high or even medium priority in life. Seriously, most people with productive lives don’t have time to obssess over blogs.
Appreciate the good content, criticize the points worth criticizing and try not to cry about the minor points and the fact that someone doesn’t respond.
“Being busy with research and writing? Seriously, I don’t spend all day re-checking the comment threads on old LW posts.”
Research & Writing > responding to some disgruntled blogger.