I thought it probably wouldn’t be necessary, but I wasn’t certain, and I figured it would be the better part of valor. Basically, I’m not sure how to proceed under the declaration that the identity of an extremely central character is supposed to be a spoiler now; it seems like even using the name Dhveeryzbeg unscrambled would break the rule.
I didn’t make the Zoidberg connection until you pointed it out, but I did think that “D-Zbeg” was an immensely more awesome nickname than the term it was rot13′d from.
And now I can’t see “Dhveeryzbeg” either without thinking it must be some relative of Dr. Zoidberg’s. Dangit, now every scene he’s in, I’m gonna expect him to exit going “woo-woo-woo-woo” and clacking his claws.
… and I know I really shouldn’t, but I just couldn’t resist.
image, SFW, foolishness
Hope that helps with the mental association problem.