Let me show you the ropes
There is a rope.
You hold one end.
I hold the other.
The rope is tight.
I pull on it.
How long until your end of the rope moves?
What matters is not how long until your end of the rope moves.
It’s having fun sciencing it!
I also think it is unlikely that AGIs will compete in human status games. Status games are not just about being the best: Deep Blue is not high status, sportsmen that take drugs to improve their performance are not high status.
Status games have rules and you only win if you do something impressive while competing within the rules, being an AGI is likely to be seen as an unfair advantage, and thus AIs will be banned from human status games, in the same way that current sports competitions are split by gender and weight.
Even if they are not banned given their abilities it will be expected that they do much better than humans, it will just be a normal thing, not a high status, impressive thing.