b) a lot of women have trouble saying “no” directly (we’re socialized not to).
I cannot possibly stress enough how non-obvious this is to “geeky” males.
b) a lot of women have trouble saying “no” directly (we’re socialized not to).
I cannot possibly stress enough how non-obvious this is to “geeky” males.
If you are paying less than $30 in most markets you are getting a dreadful haircut
That sounds highly female-specific (but even so, I still find it shocking). My idea of haircut price range is $10-20.
Thank goodness, because I was starting to wonder whether I should be worried about Ben Goetzel’s AGI project. This puts my mind at ease, at least for a while.
I’ll come out of the shadows (well not really, I’m too ashamed to post this under my normal LW username) and announce that I am, or anyway have been, in more or less the same situation as MixedNuts. Maybe not as severe (there are some important things I can do, at the moment, and I have in the past been much worse than I am now—I would actually appear externally to be keeping up with my life at this exact moment, though that may come crashing down before too long), but generally speaking almost everything MixedNuts says rings true to me. I don’t live with anyone or have any nearby family, so that adds some extra difficulty.
Right now, as I said, this is actually a relatively good moment, I’ve got some interesting projects to work on that are currently helping me get out of bed. But I know myself too well to assume that this will last. Plus, I’m way behind on all kinds of other things I’m supposed to be doing (or already have done).
I’m not offering any money, but I’d be interested to see if anyone is interested in conversing with me about this (whether here or by PM). Otherwise, my reason for posting this comment was to add some evidence that this may be a common problem (even afflicting people you wouldn’t necessarily guess suffered from it).
With probability 50% or greater, the long-term benefits of the invasion of Iraq will outweigh the costs suffered in the short term.
I believe this about climate change as well.
It’s worth pointing out that the original comment concerned living or dying, not torture.
Myself, I would avoid the torture button, but would give serious consideration to pressing one that delivered a delicious pie at the cost of painlessly puffing a random faraway person out of existence.
If the button delivered a sufficiently large amount of money, I would press it for sure. Would require much more money for torture than death, however. (Like $1 million versus a few bucks.)
Not necessarily; it depends on whether the pain they will experience is enough to outweigh the pain that the suicidal person will experience by staying alive.