“I can’t get a picture of this in my head” is not a rebuttal of a physical theory, because there’s no reason that our heads must actually be equipped to create pictures of how the fundamental level of reality works.
Agreed, the basic structure of reality may be unvisualizable and otherwise incomprehensible to us. However, a theory is ostensibly a physical explanation, not merely a mathematical summary of the observed data. Reading over Monkeymind’s posts, it seems the point he is making is that these theories sort of seem to “feel like” physical explanations, but in the end are “just math.”
The question naturally arises, to the newbie at least, of what the difference really is between a mathematical summary of the data we’ve collected and a mathematical theory of how (by what mechanism) a physical phenomenon occurs.
I think there’s a danger of equivocating here on the words “what’s happening.” In other words, which “what’s happening” do the QM models describe?
I’ll elaborate. If we observe X, do the QM models describe X, or do they describe the (so far unobserved) phenomena that may underly X?
If the mathematical QM model merely describes X, it’s hard to see how it is anything other than a very succinct cataloging of the observations, put in a very useful form. That’s quite an achievement, but I can understand the hesitation with calling it an explanation or a theory.
If the QM model actually describes some as-yet unobserved phenomena that is proposed to underly X, then it seems like it avoids Monkeymind’s criticisms because there is actually something additional being posited to be happening, behind the scenes as it were.
If it is the latter, I’d be interested in seeing an example (anything in QM).