I think your feelings stem from you considering it to be enough If AS simply beats human players while APM whiners would like AS to learn all the aspect of Starcraft skill it can reasonably be expected to learn.
The agents on ladder don’t scout much and can’t react accordingly. They don’t tech switch midgame and some of them get utterly confused in ways a human wouldn’t. Game 11 agent vs MaNa couldn’t figure out it could build 1 phoenix to kill the warp prism and chose to follow it with 3 oracles (units which cant shoot at flying units). The ladder agents display similar mistakes.
Considering how many millions of dollars AS has cost already (could be hundreds at this point) these holes are simply too big to call the agents robust or the project complete and Starcraft conquered.
If they somehow could manage to pull off ASZero which humans can’t reliably abuse I’d admit they’ve done all there is to do. Then they could declared victory.
This is not true. In Starcraft Broodwar there are lot’s of bugs that players take advantage of but such bugs don’t exist in Starcraft 2.
I think it’s much more important to restrict the AI mechanically so that it has to succeed strategically that to have a fair fight. The whole conversation about fairness is misguided anyway. The point of APM limiter is to remove confounding factors and increase validity of our measurement, not to increase fairness.