So everybody except Harry are holding idiot balls?
Great point. If Harry is Voldemort, Voldemort will keep Harry money because Lucius have them. If Harry is not Voldemort, Voldemort will earn Harry money, because Lucius have them now.
Win-win once again. Lucius is a competent player, and Harry is underestimating him.
So if Hermione is vassal of Harry, and Harry is temporary vassal of Lucius, then is Hermione vassal of Lucius?
Or do the muggle medieval rule “the vassal of my vassal is not my vassal” works in magical Brittain also?
Oh, right.
It’s funny how we(I) take some things for granted.
Yeah, phrasing it right wouldn’t be trivial, but much easier than making wishes for UFAI, because Veritaserum is the equivalent of perfect box for AI, and Draco is human, so most of the definitions and assumptions he shares with the judges.
So maybe: “Tell me the things, you think I would want to know about, according to the best model of me you can construct.”
With heavily leveraged trading on forex ( ) , he can make 100 galleons into 100 000 galleons in one hour (with leverage of 0.2% you earn profits from trading of X, but you only need to really have 0.002 of X). And you can do this over internet, by a few back and forth trades that lasts for a few minutes.
We don’t have a way to be sure our universe runs on casuality. It’s just generalization from our experiences. The same could be true for Dumbledore and his universe.
If regular courts had veritaserum, I imagine the first question they’d ask would be “What are the things you don’t want to tell us?”.
Arbitrage trick is overengineering. Just trade on forex and use time turner to go back and choose the deal.
With 40 000 galleons even going back a few minutes could suffice.
I think there are some laws regarding using magic for gambling. Wizards can’t be THAT stupid.
If not—get into leweraged currency trading, use time turner and don’t worry about money anymore.
I assign 0.3 probability to my post from 23 March 2012 10:19:07PM.
0.2 to Harry going back in time and rescuing Hermione with time turner.
0.5 to Harry doing something nobody predicted yet :)
I’d say Harry would trade with Lucius—Harry would testify under Veritaserum that Dumbledore confesed to Him, that he burned Narcissa. In exchange Lucius would let Hermione free.
Harry don’t know if Dumbledore burned Narcissa, but probably can beat Veritaserum (according to Quirell), and with his evil side enabled he can risk trying it.
Similiar to “make Dumbledore turn himself in”, but Dumbledore had chance to do that, and declined, and I don’t know if Harry can blackmail Dumbledore serioulsy enough for this. But Harry don’t need to blackmail Dumbledore.
Harry promises Lucius to speak under Veritaserum, that Dumbledore confesed to Harry, that he burned Narcisa. Harry is occlumens or almost occlumens, so he can beat Veritaserum, but everybody don’t know it.
Lucius Malfoy has his revenge, and his son, so he let Hermione free. Dumbledore loses, and maybe everything is lost, but Hermione is free. That’s taboo tradeoff.
I doubt PR counted for much among deatheaters, so Dumbledore did not lose anything here, and for the rest of wizarding Brittain—they didn’t have a choice other than Dumbledore, so they wouldn’t believe deatheaters that DD could do sth like that. And later they would not change their opinions, but would forgot their motivation (because it was unplesant—fear of worse evil).
Very similiar thing happened in real life in WW2. Nazi Germany announced in 1943 that they have found mass graves of tousands Polish prisoners of war all killed by shot in the back of head by soviets. USA and UK had treaty with Stalin, and Germany was more immadietly dangerous, and Stalin was instrumental, so nobody believed Germans, and after the war Poland was sold to USSR, and only in 1990 Katyn massacre was made public.
“Harry had used up all six hours from his Time-Turner, and there were still no clues, and he had to go to sleep now if he wanted to be functional at Hermione’s trial the next day.”
I assumed this means Harry will be at trial. Probably as a witness?
Stealth—not only he must transfer cloak to Hermione—he must also get Hermione out of court, and she must be in cloak at all times to prevent tracking magic, and Harry must have the cloak with himself, when Dumbledore will want to see it, when tracking magic will stop working (and there’s spell that detects if cloak is nearby).
One way to do this—duplicate cloak using time turner for the moment Dumbledore will want to check it.
Harry takes cloak, mokesking pouch, and time turner with himself to the court
Harry waits for Hermione to disappear
Harry puts his mokeskin poach under the table or somewhere and not look at it
Hermione disappears
Dumbledore try to track Hermione and fails—so he checks if cloak is near—it is, so he asks Harry about it—Harry shows cloak to Dumbledore and it’s empty
Harry goes back wearing cloak just before the moment Hemrione should disappear, takes the mokeskin poach that he left under the table, somehow makes everybody look elsewhere and put Hermione into his own mokeskin poach which he keeps under the duplicated cloak (may need to use potion or sth that will turn Hermione into animal or thing or sth that he can put into poach—like with Quirrell as a snake).
Harry in the past waits for Dumbledore to check the cloak that Harry in the present has with himself, waits for everybody to get out, and somehow passes the poach back to himself without looking at himself. Harry in the present puts poach into the cloak.
Possible failures—Dumbledore can keep the cloak, making it impossible to hide Hermione after the time turner is used up. I think Dumbledore won’t do this—he didn’t wanted to keep cloak to himself, he wants Harry to have cloak just in case, and even if he see throught this plot, he can let it slip, because he probably don’t want Hermione to have wand snapped. But it’s one failure mode.
Also Harry must be prepared to “prove” he didn’t used up his TimeTurner, like he did after Azkaban Breaking.
I probbly missed something, and this won’t work.
Did anybody bothered to check previous spells on Hermione, Snape, and Quirrell wands? EDIT: Ok, we″re told Quirrell cast tens of spells since 06:33, still—they should check just to be sure.
Now it seems Harry should just kidnapp Hermione and hide here somewhere(And give her cloak to hide her from tracking spels).
“Professor Quirrell had cast tracking Charms because he had learned of a person with a motive to harm Mr. Malfoy. Professor Quirrell had refused to identify this person.” hmm, why hadn’t they used veritaserum on Quirrell to ask him who had the motive? Seems like usefull thing to know after murder attempt..
Also—Quirrell said he found out about Draco at 06:33 - just half an hour too late to use Time Turner and check what happened or to stop Hermione in the first place. Funny coincidence.
Lucius knows that his enemies believe muggleborn can be powerful wizards, so he can say that flattery to look like his enemies.
For people that believe blood has nothing to do with magic—they won’t state the obvious.
But Harry later tested time loops, and system somehow told him to stop messing with time. EDIT: If the computer MoR runs on is really able to compute infinite loops in one sweep, then there’s no reason not to allow Harry to compute his primes. Instead something scarry happened so Harry had to tell himself not to mess with time.
So maybe it is Turing computable after all, it just have watchdogs to stop loops after some iteration.
And there is leverage, so you can invest 100 $, but get profits or loses like you invested 10000 $. So if theres 100x leverage, and 1% profit to make on currencies each day, you can double your money every day.
So to turn 100 galeons to 100000 galeons Harry would need 10 transactions with 1% profit each.