I have a cold start problem: in order for people to understand the importance of the information that I have to convey, they need to spend a fair amount of time thinking about it, but without having seen the importance of the information, they’re not able to distinguish me from being a crackpot.
For what it’s worth, these recent comments of yours have been working on me, at least sort of. I used to think you were just naively arrogant, but now it’s seeming more plausible that you’re actually justifiably arrogant. I don’t know if I buy everything you’re saying, but I’ll be paying more attention to you in the future anyway.
I’ve tried to convey certain hard-to-explain LessWrong concepts to people before and failed miserably. I’m recognizing the same frustration in you that I felt in those situations. And I really don’t want to be on the wrong side of another LW-sized epistemic gap.
I feel like there are interesting applications here for programmers, but I’m not exactly sure what. Maybe you could link up a particular programming language’s syntax to our sense of grammar, so programs that wouldn’t compile would seem as wrong to you as the sentence “I seen her”. Experienced programmers probably already have something like this I suppose, but it could make learning a new programming language easier.