Con­sis­tent Glomarization

TagLast edit: Dec 5, 2024, 6:19 AM by Morphism

Glomarization is responding to a question with “I can neither confirm nor deny” or something else similarly ambiguous. From Consistent Glomarization Should be Feasible:

It has to be done consistently, to avoid problems like:

LAWYER: Did you ever sleep with him in New York?

WITNESS: I refuse to answer that question.

LAWYER: Did you ever sleep with him in Chicago?

WITNESS: I refuse to answer that question.

LAWYER: Did you ever sleep with him in Miami?


Consistent glomarization is the policy of glomarizing when there is a sufficiently high probability measure, from the epistemic perspective of the person asking you the question, on counterfactual selves who would not want to answer honestly. When done well, this can allow you to conceal information while maintaining a code of total honesty.

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