Yay! Word of God on the issue! (Warning: TvTropes). Good to know I wasn’t too far off-base.
I can see how g and h can be considered equivalent using the: emotions-> goals . In fact I would assume that would also make a and b pretty much equivalent, as well as c and d, e and f, etc.
Incidentally, the filmmaker didn’t capture my slide with the diagram of the revised model of rationality and emotions in ideal human* decision-making, so I’ve uploaded it.
Yay! Word of God on the issue! (Warning: TvTropes). Good to know I wasn’t too far off-base.
I can see how g and h can be considered equivalent using the: emotions-> goals . In fact I would assume that would also make a and b pretty much equivalent, as well as c and d, e and f, etc.
Incidentally, the filmmaker didn’t capture my slide with the diagram of the revised model of rationality and emotions in ideal human* decision-making, so I’ve uploaded it.
The Straw Vulcan model of ideal human* decisionmaking: http://measureofdoubt.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/screen-shot-2011-11-26-at-3-58-00-pm.png
My revised model of ideal human* decisionmaking: http://measureofdoubt.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/screen-shot-2011-11-26-at-3-58-14-pm.png
*I realize now that I need this modifier, at least on Less Wrong!