Hi I’m Uli and I care about two things: Solving alignment and becoming stronger (not necessarily in that order).
My background: I was unschooled, I’ve never been to school or had a real teacher. I taught myself everything I wanted to know. I didn’t really have friends till 17 when I started getting involved with rationalist-adjacentcamps.
I did seri mats 3.0 under Alex Turner, doing some interpretability on mazes. Now I’m working half-time doing interpretability/etc with Alex’s team as well as studying.
In rough order of priority, the kinds of mentorship I’m looking for:
Drill Sergeant: I want to improve my general capabilities, there are many obviousthings I’m not doing enough, and my general discipline could be improved a lot too. Akrasia is just a problem to be solved, and one I’ll be embarrassed if I haven’t ~fully solved by 20. There is much more that I could put here. Instead I’ll list a few related thoughts
Meditation is mind-training why isn’t everyone doing it, is the world that inadequate?[1]
Introspection tells me the rationalist community has been bad for my thinking in some ways, Lots of groupthink, overconfident cached thoughts about alignment, etc.
I’m pretty bad at deliberating once and focusing medium-term. Too many things started and not enough finished. Working on fixing.
(The list goes on...)
Skills I’ve neglected: I know relatively little of the sciences, haven’t written much outside of math, and know essentially zero history & other subjects.
Skills I’m better in: I want to get really good at machine learning, programming, and applied math. Think 10x ML Engineer/Researcher.
Alignment Theory. I have this pretty well covered, and think the potential costs from groupthink and priming outweigh additional depth here. I’ve already read too much LessWrong.
I am very good at learning when I want to be[2]. If you would like someone to yell at you for using obviously inefficient learning strategies (which you probably are), I can do that.
I can also introduce bored high-schoolers with interesting people their age, and give advice related to the stuff I’m good at.
Too busy for intensive mentorship, but async messaging plus maybe a call every week or so could work.
Semiconsistently meditating an hour a day + walking meditation when traveling. Currently around stage 3-4 in mind illuminated terms (for those not familiar, this is dogshit.)
Which sadly hasn’t been the past year as much as it used to. I’ve been getting distracted by doing research and random small projects over absorbing fountains of knowledge. In the process of fixing this now.
Hi I’m Uli and I care about two things: Solving alignment and becoming stronger (not necessarily in that order).
My background: I was unschooled, I’ve never been to school or had a real teacher. I taught myself everything I wanted to know. I didn’t really have friends till 17 when I started getting involved with rationalist-adjacent camps.
I did seri mats 3.0 under Alex Turner, doing some interpretability on mazes. Now I’m working half-time doing interpretability/etc with Alex’s team as well as studying.
In rough order of priority, the kinds of mentorship I’m looking for:
Drill Sergeant: I want to improve my general capabilities, there are many obvious things I’m not doing enough, and my general discipline could be improved a lot too. Akrasia is just a problem to be solved, and one I’ll be embarrassed if I haven’t ~fully solved by 20. There is much more that I could put here. Instead I’ll list a few related thoughts
Meditation is mind-training why isn’t everyone doing it, is the world that inadequate?[1]
Introspection tells me the rationalist community has been bad for my thinking in some ways, Lots of groupthink, overconfident cached thoughts about alignment, etc.
I’m pretty bad at deliberating once and focusing medium-term. Too many things started and not enough finished. Working on fixing.
(The list goes on...)
Skills I’ve neglected: I know relatively little of the sciences, haven’t written much outside of math, and know essentially zero history & other subjects.
Skills I’m better in: I want to get really good at machine learning, programming, and applied math. Think 10x ML Engineer/Researcher.
Alignment Theory. I have this pretty well covered, and think the potential costs from groupthink and priming outweigh additional depth here. I’ve already read too much LessWrong.
I am very good at learning when I want to be[2]. If you would like someone to yell at you for using obviously inefficient learning strategies (which you probably are), I can do that.
I can also introduce bored high-schoolers with interesting people their age, and give advice related to the stuff I’m good at.
Too busy for intensive mentorship, but async messaging plus maybe a call every week or so could work.
Semiconsistently meditating an hour a day + walking meditation when traveling. Currently around stage 3-4 in mind illuminated terms (for those not familiar, this is dogshit.)
Which sadly hasn’t been the past year as much as it used to. I’ve been getting distracted by doing research and random small projects over absorbing fountains of knowledge. In the process of fixing this now.
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