A super silly heuristic I often use is “What media do you consume?”. Intuitively, it kinda make sense as a sort of an informational parallel to the old adage “You are what you eat.” Look at their spotify/RSS/blogging/shortform-video consumption habit tends to inform me whether A or B would at least have a decent first conversation. But this seems much better at matching friends than partners—presumably common interest and shared consumption of information is a slightly less important factor in continued romantic life (because there are so many other things!).
A super silly heuristic I often use is “What media do you consume?”. Intuitively, it kinda make sense as a sort of an informational parallel to the old adage “You are what you eat.” Look at their spotify/RSS/blogging/shortform-video consumption habit tends to inform me whether A or B would at least have a decent first conversation. But this seems much better at matching friends than partners—presumably common interest and shared consumption of information is a slightly less important factor in continued romantic life (because there are so many other things!).