What does brevity offer you that makes it worthwhile, even when it impedes communication?
Predicting how communication will fail is generally Really Hard, but it’s a good opportunity to refine your models of specific people and groups of people.
improving signal to noise, holding the signal constant, is brevity
when brevity impedes communication, but only with a subset of people, then the reduced signal is because they’re not good at understanding brief things, so it is worth not being brief with them, but it’s not fun
What does brevity offer you that makes it worthwhile, even when it impedes communication?
Predicting how communication will fail is generally Really Hard, but it’s a good opportunity to refine your models of specific people and groups of people.
improving signal to noise, holding the signal constant, is brevity
when brevity impedes communication, but only with a subset of people, then the reduced signal is because they’re not good at understanding brief things, so it is worth not being brief with them, but it’s not fun