Have those of you with some psychological knowledge ever watched old movies and TV shows from that perspective? It is remarkable how often they had characters acting (and explaining the actions of others) according to Freudian psychoanalytic principles that we know are totally unrealistic. People don’t actually act that way—that was obvious even at the time. But when constructing fictional examples of human behavior, writers found it more useful to ape popular conceptions of what human behavior was supposed to be like rather than realistically represent such behavior.
And really, what would be the point of realism?
Hollywood refuses to do things like keep noises out of space scenes. It’s not clear that people really find noiseless space disconcerting, but it is clear that executives believe they will—and they’re the ones who usually determine what’s shown. So we have space with noises that couldn’t possibly exist in real space.
Have those of you with some psychological knowledge ever watched old movies and TV shows from that perspective? It is remarkable how often they had characters acting (and explaining the actions of others) according to Freudian psychoanalytic principles that we know are totally unrealistic. People don’t actually act that way—that was obvious even at the time. But when constructing fictional examples of human behavior, writers found it more useful to ape popular conceptions of what human behavior was supposed to be like rather than realistically represent such behavior.
And really, what would be the point of realism?
Hollywood refuses to do things like keep noises out of space scenes. It’s not clear that people really find noiseless space disconcerting, but it is clear that executives believe they will—and they’re the ones who usually determine what’s shown. So we have space with noises that couldn’t possibly exist in real space.