Explanation, Popularization, “X for dummies”, “introduction to X”, “conceptual introduction to X”, “mathematical introduction to X”, “introduction to X for economists”, “ELI12: X”, “textbook”, “lecture series”, “Voxsplainer”, “Blog post on X”, “Semitechnical introductory dialog on X”…?
FYI there are three different words I need, and I don’t know what the proper… conjugation? is for pedagogy:
Distiller (person who does the job of streamling/clarifying)
Distillation [1] (an instance of a distilled work)
Distillation [2] (the general topic of creating distillations. This is the one I think “pedagogy” means)
The first one could be called “a teacher”, but, that has different connotations when you’re writing things down or whatnot.
Umm, popularizer, educator, clear writer, lucid writer, explainer, expositor, educator, blogger, Eliezer-whisperer (=Rob)…?
Explanation, Popularization, “X for dummies”, “introduction to X”, “conceptual introduction to X”, “mathematical introduction to X”, “introduction to X for economists”, “ELI12: X”, “textbook”, “lecture series”, “Voxsplainer”, “Blog post on X”, “Semitechnical introductory dialog on X”…?
Yeah, I guess “pedagogy”.
Also “communicator”, e.g. “science communicator”.