Two main sources of behaviour. Seems to map roughly to dual process theory? Bottom-up—perception-action cycle. Top-down—goal creation and enactment.
Different strengths and weaknesses, not clear which system should have control. Eg trying to concentrate on a problem while being distracted by traffic noises vs trying to concentrate on a problem while ignoring the oncoming car.
Conflict between the two is mediated by executive functions. Main components are working memory, goal management and attention.
Why interrupt ourselves, especially when we know the costs and we are trying to focus? How might tech exacerbate self-interruption?
Optimal foraging. Mariginal Value Theorem. Explore vs exploit—switch resources when predicted value of new resource outweighs switching costs. Accurate predictions of foraging behaviour in several animal species.
Information foraging. MVT has been applied to browsing patterns. Perhaps can explain self-interruption too?
This looks interesting. Sample: