A crazy idea (for electronic journals): make everybody provide their own reviews of their works, and make the editorial a kind of meta-commentary of the articles and trends seen in the reviews. ‘Dr. N doesn’t provide any alternative explanation of her results, Dr. M admits was funded by So-and-so, Dr. L cites mostly her supervisor’s work, Dr. K refused to supply his data, and here’s to hope we won’t have to retract Dr. P’s latest… As to the statistics employed, such methods were used: a, b, c, which require such most basic assumptions: d, e, f, which were met by N, M and L, although we cannot, of course, say anything about K and have suspicions about P because of [reasons]… Here are the Letters from our Readers about last month’s batch, with suggestions as to better experimental set-ups… And we are proud to announce the Null Hypothesis Stands received another admission; it seems that the consensus on the matter is as yet unchallenged, making the base of scientific superstructure that much stronger. Enjoy!’:)
A crazy idea (for electronic journals): make everybody provide their own reviews of their works, and make the editorial a kind of meta-commentary of the articles and trends seen in the reviews. ‘Dr. N doesn’t provide any alternative explanation of her results, Dr. M admits was funded by So-and-so, Dr. L cites mostly her supervisor’s work, Dr. K refused to supply his data, and here’s to hope we won’t have to retract Dr. P’s latest… As to the statistics employed, such methods were used: a, b, c, which require such most basic assumptions: d, e, f, which were met by N, M and L, although we cannot, of course, say anything about K and have suspicions about P because of [reasons]… Here are the Letters from our Readers about last month’s batch, with suggestions as to better experimental set-ups… And we are proud to announce the Null Hypothesis Stands received another admission; it seems that the consensus on the matter is as yet unchallenged, making the base of scientific superstructure that much stronger. Enjoy!’:)