Being geeky and probably mildly Aspie, I’ve always had trouble recognizing non-verbal signaling as well as using it appropriately. I am quite sure that this has negatively impacted my career to a significant degree, only partially mitigated by academic excellence. I’d happily trade a few courses, like philosophy, history and drafting, for Human Signalling 101. Of course, no such course exists anywhere in the world, for all I know. A couple of other interpersonal relationship courses would have been nice, too. Maybe a Dale Carnegie one.
no such course exists anywhere in the world, for all I know
Paul Ekman did a lot of work on the facial expression of emotions, and has some online training for the detection of emotion from facial expressions. It’s been on the list of things I might shell out money for one day. I think there are multiple sites with his stuff due to licensing issues. Seems particularly Aspie appropriate.
Being geeky and probably mildly Aspie, I’ve always had trouble recognizing non-verbal signaling as well as using it appropriately. I am quite sure that this has negatively impacted my career to a significant degree, only partially mitigated by academic excellence. I’d happily trade a few courses, like philosophy, history and drafting, for Human Signalling 101. Of course, no such course exists anywhere in the world, for all I know. A couple of other interpersonal relationship courses would have been nice, too. Maybe a Dale Carnegie one.
Paul Ekman did a lot of work on the facial expression of emotions, and has some online training for the detection of emotion from facial expressions. It’s been on the list of things I might shell out money for one day. I think there are multiple sites with his stuff due to licensing issues. Seems particularly Aspie appropriate.
For online training:
I’m not sure which is his current site, but there may be price differentials between them, so I’d check them all.