The third answer was meant to be used in conjunction with the second; that’s what the scare quotes around “unbiased” were meant to convey, along with the phrase “frequencies very close to uniform”. Sorry if that was insufficiently clear.
Also, if we’re questioning (i.e. testing) the assumption, then we still need the assumption around as a hypothesis against which to test. That’s exactly how it’s used in the post.
The third answer was meant to be used in conjunction with the second; that’s what the scare quotes around “unbiased” were meant to convey, along with the phrase “frequencies very close to uniform”. Sorry if that was insufficiently clear.
Also, if we’re questioning (i.e. testing) the assumption, then we still need the assumption around as a hypothesis against which to test. That’s exactly how it’s used in the post.
No, really, it was perfectly clear. The problem is that it was wrong.