Depending on the payoff scale, a TDT agent will cooperate if it believes that the other agent has some (high enough) chance of being a TDT agent. In other words, raise the sanity waterline high enough, and TDT cooperates.
TDT / superrationality will defect probabilistically given a high enough payoff for defection, even against a known-TDT agent.
In short: TDT and superrationality theories aren’t as simple as some here make them out to be, and the one-shot prisoner’s dilemma has hidden depths for smart players.
Of course, the rational thing to do is to convince everyone ELSE to be “superrational”, and convince them that you are ALSO “superrational”, and then defect if you actually play a prisoner’s dilemma for sufficiently high stakes.
Eliezer has done a good job of this. Hofstadter too. Inventing the term “superrationality” for “magicalthinking” was a good move.
Depending on the payoff scale, a TDT agent will cooperate if it believes that the other agent has some (high enough) chance of being a TDT agent.
He also has to believe that the other agent believes with sufficient confidence that he is a suitable kind of agent. Same population makeup considerations apply.
Depending on the payoff scale, a TDT agent will cooperate if it believes that the other agent has some (high enough) chance of being a TDT agent. In other words, raise the sanity waterline high enough, and TDT cooperates.
TDT / superrationality will defect probabilistically given a high enough payoff for defection, even against a known-TDT agent.
In short: TDT and superrationality theories aren’t as simple as some here make them out to be, and the one-shot prisoner’s dilemma has hidden depths for smart players.
Of course, the rational thing to do is to convince everyone ELSE to be “superrational”, and convince them that you are ALSO “superrational”, and then defect if you actually play a prisoner’s dilemma for sufficiently high stakes.
Eliezer has done a good job of this. Hofstadter too. Inventing the term “superrationality” for “magicalthinking” was a good move.
He also has to believe that the other agent believes with sufficient confidence that he is a suitable kind of agent. Same population makeup considerations apply.