Imitation seems like an important part of teaching/​learning, and apes have famously high ability to imitate, and humans are the best imitators among the apes. This may put a limit on how difficult concepts a species can transfer to the next generation.
Humans love copying what others do, and that may be useful at learning habits that are not immediately useful, so the learning at the beginning is not rewarded by anything other than being intrinsically desirable.
Also, training animals is difficult; I probably couldn’t teach a dog to communicate. How much would belonging to the same species help the dog to teach its puppies?
Imitation seems like an important part of teaching/​learning, and apes have famously high ability to imitate, and humans are the best imitators among the apes. This may put a limit on how difficult concepts a species can transfer to the next generation.
Humans love copying what others do, and that may be useful at learning habits that are not immediately useful, so the learning at the beginning is not rewarded by anything other than being intrinsically desirable.
Also, training animals is difficult; I probably couldn’t teach a dog to communicate. How much would belonging to the same species help the dog to teach its puppies?