Thank you for the data and collections of quotes! However, the link to the source code is pointing to the directory where you have the html files for the 2012 and 2009-2012 “Best of” collections, not to any .zip or .gz of the source code itself, and it seems to be pulling up a default page with the unstyled HTML version of the 2012 collection.
I removed the broken index.html, sorry. Now you can see the whole (messy) directory. The README is actually a list of commands with some comments, the source code consists of and
Thank you for the data and collections of quotes! However, the link to the source code is pointing to the directory where you have the html files for the 2012 and 2009-2012 “Best of” collections, not to any .zip or .gz of the source code itself, and it seems to be pulling up a default page with the unstyled HTML version of the 2012 collection.
I removed the broken index.html, sorry. Now you can see the whole (messy) directory. The README is actually a list of commands with some comments, the source code consists of and