-_-; Sorry, I still need to completely get the hang of the way this site works. I thought top-level posts were discussions you really wanted to draw people’s attentions to?
Yes, but what goes where is something of a matter of feel. In general, if you haven’t worked up a piece with substantiating argument or it isn’t urgent (and not much is urgent), it should go in discussion. If it’s received with enthusiasm, make it top level.
I don’t remember if there’s a procedure for actually moving a post with its comments from discussion to top level.
If your post is just a link with a brief description it will generally fit better in the discussion section, unless there is a lot of interest in it (like the recent Ben Goertzel post). Or in other words, if people really want their attention drawn to it.
-_-; Sorry, I still need to completely get the hang of the way this site works. I thought top-level posts were discussions you really wanted to draw people’s attentions to?
Yes, but what goes where is something of a matter of feel. In general, if you haven’t worked up a piece with substantiating argument or it isn’t urgent (and not much is urgent), it should go in discussion. If it’s received with enthusiasm, make it top level.
I don’t remember if there’s a procedure for actually moving a post with its comments from discussion to top level.
That is basically my reply.
If your post is just a link with a brief description it will generally fit better in the discussion section, unless there is a lot of interest in it (like the recent Ben Goertzel post). Or in other words, if people really want their attention drawn to it.