Such is the nature of a wiki: if no one has put in effort to make it; it won’t be there.
Given that Gleb demonstrates his motivation to publish; it comes as no surprise that he is trying to put inin there; however I would have expected beeminder (as a profiting entity) to be motivated to grow similarly (although not as voraciously).
I have reached out to beeminder to put themselves onto the wiki. Would you be interested in putting omni in?
This is a good point, certainly prediction book and omnilibrium are much more worthy of a wiki page then Gleb’s pseudo-rationality site.
Such is the nature of a wiki: if no one has put in effort to make it; it won’t be there.
Given that Gleb demonstrates his motivation to publish; it comes as no surprise that he is trying to put inin there; however I would have expected beeminder (as a profiting entity) to be motivated to grow similarly (although not as voraciously).
I have reached out to beeminder to put themselves onto the wiki. Would you be interested in putting omni in?
Unfortunately the end result is likely to be the wiki getting taken over by shameless self-promoters.
It doesn’t have to be a bad thing. LW itself was born from EY’s self-promotion.
True, however, most shameless self promoters are BS artists.