Let’s see how Bayesianists here propose to assign probability distribution to something like that: Solomonoff induction, ‘universal prior’. Trials of random tape on Turing machines (which you can do by considering all possible tape). The logic that follows afterwards should be identical; as you ‘update your beliefs’ you select states compatible with evidence, as per top post in that thread; mathematically, Bayes rule.
Not convinced that this issue is something specific to frequentism.
Let’s see how Bayesianists here propose to assign probability distribution to something like that: Solomonoff induction, ‘universal prior’. Trials of random tape on Turing machines (which you can do by considering all possible tape). The logic that follows afterwards should be identical; as you ‘update your beliefs’ you select states compatible with evidence, as per top post in that thread; mathematically, Bayes rule.
Not convinced that this issue is something specific to frequentism.