This Detached Lever Fallacy reminds me of an error programmers make when they immitate what works well for big companies like FAANG. For example, Small Company might observe FAANG using microservices and then adopt microservices at Small Company.
But microservices are just a lever. There are gears beneath that lever that are responsible for the good outcomes at FAANG companies. If you don’t have the same gears—and you probably don’t—you shouldn’t expect the same outcomes. Even though the gears are below the surface, don’t forget to think about them.
This Detached Lever Fallacy reminds me of an error programmers make when they immitate what works well for big companies like FAANG. For example, Small Company might observe FAANG using microservices and then adopt microservices at Small Company.
But microservices are just a lever. There are gears beneath that lever that are responsible for the good outcomes at FAANG companies. If you don’t have the same gears—and you probably don’t—you shouldn’t expect the same outcomes. Even though the gears are below the surface, don’t forget to think about them.