The correct response when Omega changes the deal is “Oh, come on! You’re making me decide between two situations that are literally within a dust speck’s worth of each other. Why bother me with such trivial questions?” Because that’s what it is. You’re not choosing between “dust speck in my eye” and “terrible thing happens”. You’re choosing between “terrible thing happens” and “infinitesimally less terrible thing happens, plus I have a dust speck in my eye.”
The correct response when Omega changes the deal is “Oh, come on! You’re making me decide between two situations that are literally within a dust speck’s worth of each other. Why bother me with such trivial questions?” Because that’s what it is. You’re not choosing between “dust speck in my eye” and “terrible thing happens”. You’re choosing between “terrible thing happens” and “infinitesimally less terrible thing happens, plus I have a dust speck in my eye.”