Shanghai LessWrong Meetup


I’m inviting to start a new Shanghai LW meetup, with focus on a broader discussion about less wrong in the AI safety and cryptography in context of the long-term outcomes for life and humanity. I’d suggest the common theme of the meetup to be composition of relations in general sense, — e.g., compositions of neuron models, compositions of cryptographic functions, etc.

The initial objective of this meetup may well be to know the readers of LessWrong in Shanghai, and exchange the ideas how to estimate the collection of everyone’s true (minimally biased) utility functions, and find ways to optimize the composition of relations (world’s I/​O) systems to improve the way they satisfy them.

Suggested meetup content: self-introductions describing what types of problems of the world (sub-optimalities) everyone personally cares to address, and kind of ideas or systems they are working on to bring about those changes. There will be a big screen, where we can exchange and share presentations of thoughts related.

Fragments of the meetup content will later be shared on https://​​

Where: China, Shanghai, Putuo, 富丽大厦 (Thanks to @Tedko for the venue!)
When: 2019-02-06 14:00~21:00 (UTC+08).

The reason for long period from midday to evening, is because it is a kind of exploratory post. The last Shanghai LW Meetup I’ve seen was organized around 2012, so, and there seem to have been no Shanghai LW Meetups for quite a while.