I agree with the second half of this. Pick a language that suits your needs. I use Visual Basic extensively, for interfacing with spreadsheets, and I wrote a bejeweled program (which sucked, since it took comparatively forever to get the color of a pixel and tell me what color the square was) in AutoHotkey, an awesome program that will let you remap hotkeys on your computer. I know a bit of PHP and C++, but the vast majority of what I do is in VB and AutoHotkey, because that’s what’s most accessible to me.
I agree with the second half of this. Pick a language that suits your needs. I use Visual Basic extensively, for interfacing with spreadsheets, and I wrote a bejeweled program (which sucked, since it took comparatively forever to get the color of a pixel and tell me what color the square was) in AutoHotkey, an awesome program that will let you remap hotkeys on your computer. I know a bit of PHP and C++, but the vast majority of what I do is in VB and AutoHotkey, because that’s what’s most accessible to me.